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Winona in a red dress Friday 8th March 2002

Small site redesign, because I'm bored and I realised that menu bar completely sucked...
Gave this one a kind of Blackcomb feel, and I'm trying to keep the page size to a minimum. I apologise for the banner up the top, and the pop-up ads, but that's the disdvantage of free web servers...

Wednesday 13th February 2002
Two new sketches, this time of the ever-gorgeous Rachael Leigh Cook. I've pretty much given up on drawing at the moment, as I have exhausted all enthusiasm for portraits (of women, at least) for the time being. I will pimp this site as it contains the drawings of V. Marques, whom kicks a significant amount of posterior :)

main | scans | sketches | why | links

All material is made by geordie 2002. Mail me at if you want to chat or use something, or if you wish to flame me....